7 Habits To Avoid After Dinner

Even if many people are used to going for a walk or taking a nap after a meal, it is advisable to wait a little longer so that these activities do not affect your digestion. Find out more useful information in today’s article!
7 habits to avoid after meals

When they have little free time after dinner, many people dedicate it to certain activities that entertain or relax them. In reality, there are certain habits that should be avoided after a meal, because they are not healthy at all. 

We often act even unconsciously, but we should pay attention to those habits that, although they seem harmless, cause unpleasant symptoms or serious health problems. Given that many people are not aware of these risks, we present them in detail in the lines below.

Here’s what this is about!

1. Habits to avoid after meals: sleep

Sleep is one of those habits that should be avoided after a meal

Afternoon siesta can cause various digestive problems. Even though sleep is relaxing and necessary for many people, it is essential to remember that, immediately after eating, it can affect digestion.

When you lie down, digestive juices do not completely cover the food in your stomach. Therefore, nutrients are not fully assimilated.

In addition, the habit of sleeping after a meal can cause problems in the esophagus, as gastric acid can cause reflux and heartburn.

2. Smoking

It is already known that smoking has negative consequences on the lungs and cardiovascular system. But what many do not know is that the effects are even more harmful if you smoke after a meal.

Nicotine is combined with the excess oxygen needed to achieve digestion, which facilitates the absorption of carcinogens.

3. Fruit consumption

Fruit consumption is on the list of habits to avoid after meals

Some people consider fruit to be a healthy option for supplementing the main meals of the day. They are sweet, versatile and can successfully replace classic desserts.

In reality, the fruit should be eaten on an empty stomach, either in the morning or between meals. These foods need other enzymes to be digested properly, and the carbohydrates in their composition take longer to be completely assimilated.

If not eaten with other foods, the body can digest the fruit separately, benefiting from all the nutrients, fiber and carbohydrates in their composition, which gives it energy.

If you eat fruit before or after a hearty meal, it stays in the stomach longer, causing indigestion, gas and other discomfort.

4. The showers

Taking a shower is a relaxing activity that improves blood circulation, but it is not indicated after a meal because it can weaken the digestive system.

Showers stimulate circulation in the hands and lower body, but reduce the amount of blood transported to the stomach. Therefore, this organ does not work as it should, which causes pain, inflammation and a feeling of heaviness.

5. Cold water consumption

Cold water consumption is one of those habits that should be avoided after a meal

Drinking cold water while eating or eating affects your digestion. Food sticks to each other, and the process of absorbing nutrients and separating waste is difficult.

6. Consumption of tea

Although teas are healthy, it is not advisable to serve them after main meals. These drinks contain tannic acid, a substance that adheres to protein and iron. Thus, the absorption of this mineral is reduced by up to 87%, which leads to chronic episodes of anemia.

Iron is needed for the production of erythrocytes, so the deficiency can cause symptoms such as:

  • Chest pain
  • Pallor
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Fragile nails
  • Lack of appetite
  • Cold hands and feet

7. Walking and running: habits that should be avoided after a meal

Running on the list of habits to avoid after meals

It is wrong to believe that exercising in the afternoon helps you burn calories and lose weight. Although walking and running are healthy, practicing these activities after eating can cause indigestion and discomfort.

Therefore, it is advisable to take a walk only 30 minutes after serving the meal. If you can’t wait that long, be careful not to walk for more than 10 minutes.

Do you also practice these habits that should be avoided after a meal? If so, try to give them up to protect your body’s health. 

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