6 Tricks For Cleaning Windows

Here are some tricks for efficient and fast window cleaning, which do not require much effort. 
6 tricks for cleaning windows

The windows are exposed to the elements of nature, which is why they get dirty easily and need to be cleaned occasionally. This domestic task is not pleasant, but it is necessary. To make your work easier, here are 6 tricks for cleaning windows.

You’ve probably washed the windows before, and the results have been disappointing. The frustration caused is discouraging, which is why you now prefer to postpone this unpleasant task. But dirty windows make your home look unpleasant.

Even if the floor, the furniture and all the surfaces in your home are impeccable, if the windows are full of grease, dust and dirt, everything is in vain. Get rid of this last problematic aspect with the help of the following tricks for cleaning windows.

Tricks for cleaning windows quickly and efficiently

1. Vinegar: a solution that never fails

Even though there are many cleaning products that have the same effect, vinegar is one of the best options. In addition, it does not smell as strong as certain chemicals, which can cause allergic reactions in some cases.

Tricks for cleaning windows with white vinegar

Vinegar helps to quickly clean up dirt. This way, you will not have to rub the glass, as the cloth or newspaper will slide easily on its surface. In the end, the window will be clean and bright.

All you have to do is mix one part vinegar with three parts hot water. To reduce the smell of vinegar, you can add a little lemon juice. If the smell is too annoying for you, you can prepare the solution with five parts water, instead of three.

If you still want to use a commercial cleaning product, we recommend that you opt for a mixture. This way, the solution will last longer. Mix three tablespoons of white vinegar with two cups of water and add half a teaspoon of liquid detergent. You will see that the dirt will be cleaned very easily.

2. “Cloth” for cleaning windows

You can buy such cloths from the store, but if you intend to save money, there are other options. The newspaper is one of the simplest and most effective choices. It leaves no traces and gives shine to the window. In addition, the newspaper does not scratch the glass, but leaves behind a very thin, invisible layer that prevents the glass from getting dirty just as quickly. The sponges you have around the house can also be very useful in cleaning up traces of detergent.

If you have no newspaper or sponges on hand, one of the best tricks for cleaning windows is to use paper filters for your coffee maker. They are almost as versatile as the newspaper and offer the same beautiful shine, without unsightly marks or scratches.

3. Cloudy days

Regardless of the climate in the region where you live, wait for a cloudy day to wash the windows. The sun dries the glass badly, leaving unsightly marks on its surface. In addition, cleaning the windows on a hot day can be very unpleasant.

4. Tricks for cleaning very dirty windows

If it’s been several months since you cleaned the windows, they’re probably very dirty. In this case, it is best to use a porous sponge and clean from top to bottom to prevent water leakage.

You can use a microfiber cloth to polish the glass after it dries. Just make sure it doesn’t leave lint on the window.

Tricks for cleaning windows on the inside

5. Vertical and horizontal cleaning

You’ve finished cleaning the windows inside and out, but you don’t like the way they look. But they are dirty in places and traces have remained. You check them on both sides and see nothing. It’s a nightmare, but it has a solution.

When washing the windows on both sides, clean them from side to side on the inside and vertically on the outside. This way, it will be much easier for you to figure out which side the mess is on or the traces left at the end.

6. Blinds

And the blinds need to be cleaned, but don’t worry, it’s not hard. Spray an antiseptic spray on them and wipe them with a damp cloth.

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