6 Recommended Exercises For Vertigo

The feeling that everything is spinning, the headache and the feeling of nausea are the most common symptoms of vertigo. In this article, we present a series of exercises that will help relieve the symptoms of vertigo.
6 recommended exercises for vertigo

According to the Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, about 80% of people experience a vertigo episode at some point in their lives. The phenomenon is more common in adults over the age of 40. As such, in this article, we will share some recommended exercises for vertigo that help relieve symptoms.

Even though there are different causes and types of this problem, the most common form corresponds to a problem in the inner ear, namely the benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. It usually occurs after minor changes in posture or head movement.

Basically, a series of small calcium crystals that are found in the inner ear and help balance move and reach the semicircular canal of the ear. Therefore, you feel that everything revolves around you.

How do the 6 recommended exercises for vertigo help you?

The recommended exercises for vertigo help the displaced crystals to return to the inner ear, where they do not cause symptoms. However, before doing these exercises, it is important to identify the ear that is causing the problem.

The easiest way to identify the ear that is causing the problem is to turn your head to the right and then to the left, looking over your shoulder. Once you have done this, you should be able to tell which direction makes you feel more dizzy. For example, if the sensation increases when you tilt your head to the left, this is likely to be the affected part.

Person who practices exercises recommended for vertigo
The symptoms of vertigo originate in the ear in most cases.

Epley maneuver

  • Stay

Semont maneuver

Foster maneuver

Brandt-Daroff maneuver

Other exercises recommended for vertigo

Person affected by vertigo
The annoying symptoms of vertigo can be reduced if you practice the exercises we present in this article.

This exercise aims to improve visual interaction with head movements and eye stability. To do this, place a book on a wall and stand about 25 inches away from it.

Then slowly move your head horizontally from left to right, trying to keep the letters focused. Do this exercise for a minute, rest, then repeat it, but vertically.

Consult a doctor about these recommended exercises for vertigo

Although these exercises are useful, it is necessary to consult a specialist about the variation of vertigo and the recommended movements in your case before doing them. This is especially true if you have a neck or back injury.

It is normal to feel dizzy during these exercises. Therefore, you should practice them calmly, rest between sets and wait a few minutes before getting to your feet.

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