6 Hair Treatments With Beer

In this article we will show you how you can use beer to heal and moisturize your hair naturally.
6 hair treatments with beer

Nowadays, we have a wide variety of hair treatments available. Many of them are even based on drinks and fruits. Today, for example, we want to talk to you about some hair treatments with beer.

Thanks to malt and barley, beer can protect and repair degraded hair follicles, making hair shiny and silky.

Many of the commercial hair health products lose their effectiveness after multiple uses, resulting in brittle, dry and volumeless hair. Instead, wonderful beer hair treatments are a natural alternative with lasting effects.


No need to buy the most expensive brand of beer on the market. Cheap brands that can be purchased from any supermarket are just as useful. Follow the instructions below and you will get the most out of your hair care benefits :

  • Pour the beer into a special container if you want to apply the treatment daily, it is recommended that this drink is not kept in its usual bottle.
  • Let the beer breathe. Open the container a few hours before applying the treatment so that all the gases evaporate.
  • For starters, wash your face with shampoo. Your hair must be clean before applying the beer. Otherwise, you risk that the treatment will have the opposite effect.
  • After applying the beer-based treatment, use a hair conditioner. In this way, you keep your hair soft and shiny and eliminate the smell of the drink.

To increase its efficiency, you can combine beer with other products. In the following we will present you some of the most interesting hair treatments with beer and other beneficial ingredients.

Comb your hair with a mixture of beer and conditioner

This mask is ideal if you want to style your hair without gel or hairspray. Apply a small amount of beer mixed with conditioner on a comb, then comb and arrange your hair as usual. The hairstyle will last a long time!

Hair treatment with beer and jojoba oil

Jojoba oil as an ingredient in beer hair treatments

Mix equal amounts of jojoba oil and cold beer. Apply the mixture on the hair by massaging movements, from the scalp to the tips. Leave the mixture to act for a few minutes, then rinse well with lukewarm water.

You can mix jojoba oil with a bottle of beer in a special container. Apply the mixture on the hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Finally, wash your head with shampoo.

Beer as a shampoo

This treatment involves mixing the beer with your regular shampoo. Your hair will become supple and shiny. You can also add a few drops of olive oil and / or rosemary essential oil.

Beer and apple cider vinegar treatment

Use hair treatments with beer and apple cider vinegar

The following recipe is useful for taming rebellious threads. Mix 1 l of beer with ½ cup of apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture on the hair and leave it on for 5 minutes. Massage your hair well, but do not use shampoo. Wipe with a towel and comb your hair.

Using 0.25 l of beer and 10 drops of apple cider vinegar, you can prepare a lotion for smoothing hair. Apply this lotion on your hair (first wash your head and dry it) and leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse. If you apply this treatment at least three times a week, your hair will become very smooth and will smell nice.

Treatment with sunflower oil, eggs and beer

These three ingredients will give your hair more volume. In a bowl, add 1 l of beer, a tablespoon of sunflower oil and a raw egg. Mix well, apply the mask obtained on the hair and leave it on for a few minutes. Then apply conditioner to remove any residue and odors.

Treatment with lemon juice and beer

Lemon juice in hair treatments with beer

This mixture helps you have smoother and lighter hair. In a glass mix beer with ½ cup of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on the hair after washing with shampoo, leave it on for a few minutes, then apply conditioner.

Do not forget!

Depending on the needs of your hair, opt for any of these beer hair treatments. Also, don’t forget that you will never have beautiful hair if you do not adopt a healthy diet and do not drink a lot of water. Be sure to consume vitamin C, which stimulates hair growth and supports vibrant colors.

Don’t worry about the smell of the beer, because it evaporates in a few minutes. Thus, you will be able to enjoy the results obtained without any inconvenience.

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