5 Ways Aloe Vera Takes Care Of The Heart

Aloe vera gel is ideal for lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels, while controlling and balancing blood sugar. In the following we present everything you need to know about this topic!
5 ways aloe vera takes care of the heart

Did you know that aloe vera takes care of the heart? This fleshy perennial plant has almost miraculous powers that have not yet been fully discovered.

As surprising as it may seem, nature offers us many resources to have optimal health. Aloe vera, for example, optimizes digestion, beautifies the skin and can strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Of course, we must mention that this plant cannot “cure” diseases on its own. But aloe vera has the ability to “treat” them, supporting well-being.

In today’s article we present a benefit of the aloe plant that will probably surprise you: it can take care of the heart.

5 ways aloe vera takes care of the heart

1. Regulates “good” cholesterol (HDL)

Aloe vera takes care of the heart by lowering cholesterol levels

“Good” cholesterol (HDL), also known as high-density lipoprotein, is one of two types of cholesterol in the blood. It is called “good” because it facilitates the transport of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) to the liver, where it can be eliminated from the body.

But is it good to have as high a level of “good” cholesterol as possible? We must be vigilant. Some people suffer from hereditary imperfections that can cause them serious problems in the future. It is best to maintain a balance, and aloe vera can help us in this regard.

Aloe vera is very beneficial because, in addition to increasing the level of “good” cholesterol, it creates a balance between the two types of lipoproteins.

2. Reduces triglyceride levels

Nowadays we often hear that it is important to lower cholesterol, but triglycerides are a much more dangerous enemy. When you have high levels of triglycerides in your blood, your body does not use all the energy it provides, and the excess is stored as fat.

Hypertriglyceridemia is a silent enemy of heart health. If the triglyceride level exceeds the normal limits (over 150 mg / dl), it increases the risk of heart disease and problems such as pancreatitis.

3. Reduces blood sugar

In addition to lowering blood sugar, aloe vera takes care of the heart

Aloe vera contains glucomannan, a soluble fiber with the ability to lower blood sugar. In addition, this plant also has anthraquinones, a type of phenol that, together with lecithin, balances blood sugar levels.

For best results, consume a tablespoon of aloe gel dissolved in a glass of water every day for 2 months. The anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and healing properties offered by the aloe plant can be very helpful. This is one of the best ingredients for diabetics.

4. Fights high blood pressure

Aloe vera juice can reduce blood pressure because it is very rich in vitamin C. Remember, vitamin C has an incredible effect on the arteries, improving blood circulation and supporting oxygenation. At the same time, this substance dilates the capillaries, improves their elasticity and fights arteriosclerosis.

5. Strengthens the heart

Aloe vera takes care of the heart and offers many other benefits

Arginine, which is one of the antioxidants in the aloe vera plant, is important for a healthy heart. This semi-essential amino acid is produced by the human body in small quantities. Therefore, in order to have an optimal level of arginine, we must obtain it from food or supplements.

You can increase your arginine level by consuming peanuts, nuts and of course, aloe vera. A moderate intake of foods rich in arginine offers you the following benefits:

  • You will have a stronger heart, which will pump blood better.
  • Your body will eliminate metabolic waste more easily.
  • Arginine supports the production of nitrogen oxide, which is needed to keep blood vessels dilated for optimal blood flow.

Although it cannot “cure” any heart disorder, aloe vera takes care of the heart, regulating basic aspects such as cholesterol and blood pressure. Basically, it helps you be healthier. Include it in your daily diet with confidence!

Image source: wikiHow.com

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