5 Tricks To Drive Away Beetles

Kitchen beetles are among the most disgusting and annoying insects in existence. If you want to keep them at a distance or even drive them out of your home, do not hesitate to try the following tricks.
5 tricks to drive away beetles from the kitchen

It is impossible to explain how a tiny insect can scare us. But it is not just about fear, but also about repulsion. The mere presence of these creatures causes disgust. Did you know that there are various tricks to drive away beetles without resorting to insecticides? To find out what it’s all about, read on!

Kitchen beetles are on the list of the most widespread insects in the world. They are harmful with the ability to hide in inaccessible spaces, which can reproduce quickly.

This type of insect prefers moist, dark and dirty places. Being almost completely blind, kitchen beetles orient themselves with the help of antennas.

To determine if there are kitchen beetles in your home, start by checking under the refrigerator and under the washing machine or behind these devices. They tend to gather around stoves and furniture.

Many people look for tricks to drive away beetles from their homes. The good news is that we do not lack natural solutions that can help us in this regard.

The dangers we are exposed to when we have kitchen beetles in the house

The repulsion caused by kitchen beetles is not only based on panic or the obsessive need to live in cleanliness. In fact, these pests can endanger our health. Here’s how:

  • Transmit disease. Kitchen beetles carry microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, and their own eggs. All of these can cause problems such as stomach flu, salmonella, leptospirosis, cholera, typhus and food poisoning.
  • They can contaminate food easily due to the fact that their feet are infested with bacteria. This is important because beetles tend to walk around the kitchen looking for food scraps.
  • Their feces can cause allergic reactions such as hives, sneezing and tearing of the eyes.
The need for tricks to drive the beetles out of the house

The best tricks to drive away beetles without insecticides

Here are some ways to keep kitchen bugs at bay. You don’t have to use insecticides. Instead, you will use 100% natural and cheap products. Unlike chemicals, the following solutions are non-toxic and will not adversely affect your health.

1. Bay leaves

The leaves of this aromatic tree are very useful when it comes to keeping kitchen beetles at bay. All you have to do is grind them and put them in the places frequented by these insects at night.

Obviously, this trick won’t work unless you first clean up those places.

2. Baking soda and sugar

Baking soda is a life-saving solution. To get rid of kitchen beetles, mix a cup of baking soda with a cup of sugar and sprinkle around the house.

It’s very simple: sugar attracts beetles, and baking soda produces lethal gases.

3. Lemongrass

This very effective plant is useful not only against kitchen beetles, but also mosquitoes and other insects. Just follow the steps below:

  • Pour citronella oil on cotton swabs and put them around the house.
  • Another option is to mix half a cup of water with 5 drops of cypress essential oil and 10 drops of peppermint oil. Then, spray the remedy obtained in the spaces where you noticed kitchen beetles.

4. Borax

Borax has many uses, including the elimination of pests such as beetles. Sprinkle this product in places where insects gather. As soon as they touch it, they will dehydrate and die.

5. Diatomaceous earth

The last of these tricks to drive away beetles involves using diatomaceous earth. This powerful ecological product is useful to combat other types of domestic pests.

Tricks to drive away beetles with borax

The effect of diatomaceous earth is identical to that of borax: it dehydrates insects. In addition, this product is harmless, so we can apply it near the places where we keep food.

You just have to sprinkle it on the floor. An easy way to do this is to use a sock filled with diatomaceous earth. Thus, you will cover the targeted surfaces with a thin film of this white substance.

One last tip

Keep in mind that there are certain products that need to be stored properly and monitored to keep cockroaches away. This category includes flour, cereals, meat, sugar, cheese, glue, leather goods and plant residues, among others.

By applying the 5 tricks to drive away beetles and maintaining proper hygiene, you will have a clean home. As soon as you get rid of these insects, you will be able to sleep peacefully, knowing that no beetles walk through your kitchen.

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