5 Remedies For Ankle Sprain

Are you experiencing an ankle sprain? Treat yourself naturally and effectively!
5 remedies for ankle sprain

Ankle sprains can be very painful, as we become unable to walk or move as we wish. It is essential to be able to rely on remedies that can relieve symptoms and allow for a quick cure. In the next article we will show you some remedies for ankle sprain that can help relieve pain. These treatments help you heal faster and resume your daily activities without problems.

How does an ankle sprain occur?

The first factor we need to consider is to get to know this part of the body better and to understand why a sprain occurs. For this, we need to know what the ligaments are. These are fibrous tissues that allow movement and provide stability to the joints. When the fibers are forced to stretch excessively, they can break. This is how the sprain appears. Ankle sprain is the most common, especially in the physically active.

In the case of women who use heels, there is a greater chance of suffering a sprain due to the position of the foot. If we support only the toes, the rest of the foot will not have a stable support, and the ligaments will stretch beyond normal limits. Because of this, the sprain is not necessarily caused by an accidental fall or twist that causes injury. In some cases, the sprain may also be caused by the footwear worn.

An ankle sprain is much more common than we think, especially if we use heels or hurry. The pain it causes is sometimes very strong. In addition to pain, such a sprain affects our gait for several days.

Ankle Sprain Remedies

Once the injury occurs, it is very important to immobilize the area, that is, to walk as little as possible and stay in bed.

Certain natural remedies are useful for relieving pain in case of an ankle sprain. The following treatments prepared at home also help to repair damaged tissues, ligaments and tendons.

1. Ointment with red clay and wine vinegar

Remedies for ankle sprain caused by heels

This ointment is one of the oldest remedies for ankle sprain. The ointment can be used for any contusion or sprain. The treatment is a mixture in the form of a thick paste that is applied for medicinal purposes on different parts of the body.

Red clay has many beneficial properties: it has a healing, anesthetic effect, prevents infection, reduces inflammation and remineralizes. Its properties are due to the content of vitamins and minerals such as iron.

In the case of wine vinegar, it has a disinfectant action and prevents the formation of bruises on the skin due to its antibacterial properties.


  • A cup of powdered red clay (180 g)
  • Wine vinegar (required quantity)
  • Plastic foil


  • First, put the red clay in a large bowl. Then gradually add the wine vinegar while stirring. You will get a paste that is easy to apply on the area affected by the sprain.
  • Once ready, allow the treatment to dry and harden.
  • Finally, apply the ointment on the skin and wrap the area with a foil. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm to hot water.

2. Ice

Applying something cold is one of the best ways to reduce inflammation in the event of an ankle sprain. However, in order to achieve the desired effect, ice should be applied as soon as possible after the injury has occurred.


  • Put several ice cubes in a plastic bag and press the bag on the affected area.
  • Then lie down on the couch or bed and raise your ankle above heart level. This will prevent blood from accumulating and reduce swelling.
  • Hold the ice on the affected area for 15 minutes, wait half an hour, then apply again.

3. Sare Epsom

These crystals contain magnesium, a very effective mineral for relieving muscle pain.


  • 4 cups water (1 liter)
  • ½ Epsom salt cup (75 g)


  • Heat a liter of water and pour it into a basin or other bowl in which you will place your feet. Add half a cup of Epsom salt to the water and mix well until the salt dissolves and the water cools.
  • When the water reaches room temperature (you can mix it with cold water), place your feet in the bowl for half an hour.
  • You can repeat this process twice a day.

4. Understand hot

After 24 hours from the sprain and the swelling subsided, the pain probably subsided. This does not mean that we can do nothing to hasten healing. Warm compresses can be very useful, being one of the most effective remedies for ankle sprain. The warm compress stimulates blood circulation and helps heal affected muscles.

You can apply a cloth soaked in warm water on the skin, an electric pillow or simply cover the area with several blankets.

Remedies for ankle sprain and pain

5. Chamomile

When you have an ankle sprain, there are several herbs that can help. In addition to chamomile, you can use horsetail, burdock or sagebrush. All these plants have anti-inflammatory and muscle calming properties.


  • 60 g of the chosen plant
  • 4 cups water (1 liter)


  • First, add the chosen plant in a pot of boiling water. Proceed in the same way as with the Epsom salt remedy.
  • After the water has warmed up a bit, place your foot in the bowl or bowl for at least 20 minutes.

6. Piper Cayenne

This spice, frequently used in the kitchen due to its special aroma and taste, has very interesting medicinal properties. For this reason, cayenne pepper is one of the most effective remedies for ankle sprain. It is all due to capsaicin, its main component, which is a useful alkaloid in relieving pain.


  • A cup of hot water (250 ml)
  • A little cayenne pepper


  • In a bowl of boiling water, add a little cayenne pepper and then soak a small towel in the liquid.
  • Apply the soaked towel to the affected area. No need to rinse the area.

In case of an ankle sprain, we recommend that you consult a doctor as soon as possible so that he can offer you a proper treatment. Remember, home-made remedies aim to supplement medical treatment and provide first aid.

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