5 Recommended Changes For Patients With Hypertension

Many people suffer from high blood pressure, but do not notice the symptoms it causes. In fact, doctors call her the “silent killer.” In today’s article, we show you how you can change your lifestyle to keep your blood pressure under control.
5 changes recommended for patients with hypertension

High blood pressure involves many risks for those affected. Although it does not initially cause symptoms, over time it can lead to heart disease. Do you know what lifestyle changes are recommended for patients with hypertension?

Treatment for this disease includes certain medications and therapies. But we can keep the problem under control if we change certain habits. In the following, we will detail some strategies that will help you bring your blood pressure back to normal.

Lifestyle changes recommended for patients with hypertension

We can talk about hypertension when blood pressure rises too much. Due to the pressure they are subjected to, this condition can cause damage to the blood vessels. The main cause of high blood pressure is narrowing or blockage of the arteries.

According to doctors, a patient suffers from hypertension if his systolic blood pressure is higher than 140 mm Hg or the diastolic blood pressure exceeds 90 mm Hg. In adults, a normal systolic blood pressure does not exceed 120 mm Hg, and the diastolic blood pressure is at most 80 mm Hg.

The most worrying aspect associated with high blood pressure is that many patients are asymptomatic. As a consequence, getting a correct diagnosis is not easy. This is why doctors have called this condition the “silent killer.” Patients should undergo regular medical check-ups and, of course, improve their lifestyles.

Below, we propose some beneficial changes recommended for patients with hypertension, as well as for those who want to protect their well-being.

Get moving

Sportswoman training with a bottle of water

Exercise is one of the best ways to improve your lifestyle if you suffer from high blood pressure. Increasing heart rate and respiratory rate during physical activity strengthens the heart, facilitating the pumping of blood. Thus, we can say that movement can reduce blood pressure.

According to a 2013 study whose subjects were elderly and sedentary people, adopting an aerobic exercise routine can reduce systolic blood pressure by 3.9%. In addition, such a routine can reduce diastolic blood pressure by 4.5%. Although researchers need more evidence, these results again confirm the benefits of the move.

Therefore, we advise you to engage in physical activity for at least 40 minutes, three or four times a week. The exercises you opt for can be moderate or intense, depending on your health. However, if you suffer from certain conditions, it is best to train under the supervision of a specialist.

Reduce your sugar intake

Refined sugars and carbohydrates increase the risk of overweight and high blood pressure. Although these nutrients are present in most diets, it is advisable not to abuse them. Several studies suggest that a diet low in sugars and refined carbohydrates can lower blood pressure.

At the same time, diets low in refined sugars and carbohydrates provide a lasting feeling of satiety. They make it a priority to eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats.

Consume more potassium and less sodium

Potassium-rich foods

Improving lifestyles also involves improving eating habits. It is advisable to increase your potassium intake and avoid sodium. Potassium reduces the pressure to which blood vessels are subjected and counteracts the effects of salt.

But excess potassium can have a negative impact on kidney health. Before you start eating more foods rich in this nutrient, consult a doctor.

The best sources of potassium are:

  • Degreased dairy products
  • Fatty fish
  • Fruits such as bananas, apricots, avocados and oranges
  • Vegetables such as sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, tomatoes and spinach

Sodium is present in a wide variety of foods available on the market. Always read the packaging of the products you want to buy and, if necessary, look for healthier alternatives.

Avoid tobacco

We do not lack the reasons to quit smoking. Although smokers ignore this, cigarettes increase blood pressure and heart rate. Their toxic components damage the walls of blood vessels, causing inflammation and narrowing the walls of the arteries.

Even passive smokers risk experiencing the negative effects just mentioned. So avoid tobacco and choose to breathe only fresh air.

Keep your stress level under control

Woman adopting changes recommended for patients with hypertension in the office

Stress management is essential to improve your lifestyle if you suffer from high blood pressure. Although many of us underestimate it, stress can aggravate this condition.

You can keep it under control with the help of relaxation techniques such as:

  • Yoga and meditation
  • Breathing exercises
  • Reading
  • Acupuncture and massages


It is essential to check your blood pressure regularly. Although the five changes presented in this article can help you alleviate the problem, you must also follow an appropriate treatment.

In many cases, patients with hypertension also need medication prescribed by specialists.

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