5 Foods That Are Harmful To The Heart

Foods that have a negative effect on the heart are those that contain trans fats, preservatives and added sugars. These harmful ingredients are also found in the “light” versions of food, which is why it is important to always read the information on the packaging when shopping.
5 foods harmful to the heart

Did you know that there are certain foods that are harmful to the heart? Heart health is essential for well-being. We all know that the heart is the “engine” of our body, but do we really take care of it as it deserves? The truth is that the answer to this question is often no.

There is a close connection between being healthy and being happy, but things are not so simple. Sometimes the problem is the lack of an exercise routine or harmful dietary habits.

To give you a helping hand, in today’s article we present 5 foods that are harmful to the heart. Read on to find out if you really eat healthy or not.

1. American cheese

American cheese on the list of foods harmful to the heart

Cheese itself is a complex food product, especially if it is made from cow’s milk and is matured. Excessive fat is at the root of the problems it causes.

Yellow cheese, also known as American cheese, is a variant that presents additional risks because it is processed. In fact, its characteristic color is due to a vegetable dye.

  • First, fats increase blood density, forcing the heart to work harder.
  • At the same time, excessive sodium intake increases heart rate.

Like any other muscle, the heart deteriorates over time if it is overworked. For this reason, it is important to follow a balanced diet.

2. Diet drinks

Diet drinks are a clear example of the trend described at the beginning of this article. We consume them with the impression that they are “light” and do not make us fat. But such drinks hurt us in other ways.

In addition to the significant sodium content, diet drinks contain artificial sweeteners, which are much more dangerous than we suspect.

Due to the sweet aroma, it is very easy to become addicted to these drinks. According to the ads, they give us the taste we crave, helping us lose weight. But recent studies have shown that, in the long run, diet drinks tend to cause cardiovascular problems.

3. Energy bars, on the list of foods harmful to the heart

Foods that are harmful to the heart as energy bars

It is not at all difficult to understand why energy bars seem to be useful: they provide extra energy. However, this benefit is due to a content of hydrogenated fats that increase cholesterol levels.

  • Bad cholesterol (LDL) thickens the blood, inhibiting blood circulation. This phenomenon also negatively affects the heart, which is forced to overload itself to perform its functions.
  • And the arteries are negatively affected by the increase in blood density, being unable to cope with this change.
  • The phenomena just listed can cause arteriosclerosis.

If you are used to exercising or have an active lifestyle, you can prepare your own energy bars. By preparing these products at home, you will make sure that they do not contain hydrogenated fats and preservatives.

4. Margarine

In addition to being prepared from refined oils rich in unhealthy fats, margarine also contains alternatives to milk. The second ingredient has genetically modified elements, due to which margarine is a real time bomb.

Remember that light margarine is no exception. Although it contains fewer calories, it is also prepared from synthetic ingredients. Therefore, all types of margarine fall into the category of foods harmful to the heart.

5. Canned foods

Heart-damaging foods such as preservatives

Avoid preservatives, especially butylhydroxyanisole and butylhydroxytoluene. It doesn’t matter if the food itself is healthy: as soon as these preservatives are used, the product becomes dangerous. It’s like the poisoned apple in the Snow White story and the seven dwarfs .

These substances can turn even the healthiest food into poison. Therefore, it is essential to eat canned food as rarely as possible. Unfortunately, financial and time constraints often prevent us from serving fresh food.

But regardless of the circumstances, we advise you to remember the dangers of preservatives. With this information, you will more often opt for natural options when you have more free time or money.

As mentioned earlier, even dietary products can be harmful to the heart. Calories are not the only danger to this organ. There are many other things to keep in mind. This is the reason why specialists encourage us to always read the information on the packaging.

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