5 Elements To Maintain Respect In A Relationship

Respect must not be taken for granted in any relationship. Discover 5 essential elements to maintain respect in the couple, from a simple “thank you” to the manifestation of empathy towards the partner. 
5 elements to maintain respect in a relationship

Respect in a relationship should not be taken for granted. It is won every day, it is cultivated very carefully, with reciprocity and from the authentic will of two partners who understand that to love means, above all, to build something.

When it comes to respect, everyone knows how to give it a definition, but few know how to apply it concretely in their lives. In principle, we all want to be respected, but we forget to behave in the same way as the one next to us. It’s like saying, “Respect me first, and then I’ll respect you.”

As for the couple’s relationship, the situation is even more complicated. Most of the time, we consider respect to be implicit. We think that “a person who loves you and respects you.” Thus, certain misunderstandings arise.

Respect in a relationship does not just mean not causing each other suffering. It is about a psychological and emotional dimension that plays a very important role. We seek a respect that “protects us,” allows us to evolve, and transforms us and our life partner into allies.

Today we invite you to deepen this topic.

1. Respect in a relationship requires a clear intention

Respect in a relationship must be cultivated

We live in a world where words sell and people share positive messages on social networks, based on mutual understanding and harmony. However, in real life, they do not practice these teachings with the same pathos.

  • Kindness, like respect, has no value unless it is proven and practiced with clear intent.
  • The same thing happens in couple relationships. On its own, love is not enough for a relationship to flourish or be maintained over time.
  • It takes many more dimensions that cement the relationship together.
  • Therefore, a successful relationship involves a daily manifestation of respect through mutual care. It is necessary to be interested in the person next to you, to listen to him actively and to anticipate his needs. Of course, she has to behave the same way with you. It’s about an emotional food exchange.

2. Empathy: a basic pillar of respect

Empathy and respect in a relationship are essential

No one can show genuine respect in a relationship in the absence of true, intuitive and sincere empathy.

The human brain is an organ that develops as a result of socialization, interactions and interpersonal connections that help us survive as a species in groups.

Empathy and the mirror neurons that create it allow you to see the man in front of you as a part of you. You understand how your partner feels without him telling you that in words.

Empathy is a fundamental characteristic of respect. Thanks to her, you know what to do, what to say and what not to say in order to take care of that person so important to you.

3. The importance of knowing your partner in all circumstances

Some people claim to know their partner as themselves when, in reality, they are just projecting their own preferences and needs on him.

In order to build a happy and healthy relationship, it is not necessary for the two partners to have everything in common.

It is very important to respect your partner’s passions, preferences and beliefs. In addition, it is essential to know who he is, what he does not like, what causes him discomfort and what are the details that define him.

Without knowing all this basic information, respect cannot be present either. We need to keep that in mind. Otherwise, sometimes without realizing it, we end up “sabotaging” our partner believing that certain things are not important. We ignore the needs of the loved one, which we have categorized as insignificant, and we disappoint them.

4. Gratitude and respect in a relationship

Respect in a relationship brings gratitude

When was the last time you thanked your partner for something? Simple phrases like “thank you for being you,” “thank you for being with me” or “thank you for making me happy” are enough.

Gratitude is a way to show your respect by recognizing the merits of your loved one, by appreciating her and by proving to her how important she is to you.

Gratitude manifested humbly strengthens any type of relationship, but especially a love one.

5. The importance of small details and respect in a relationship

Respect is not shown by isolated gestures. In the happiest and longest lasting relationships, the two partners pay attention to the little things. In this way, respect is wise and intuitive, and the emphasis is on the really important elements.

At the same time, we must not forget that the details are shared through a successful communication. Take the following tips into account:

  • Always use words of thanks.
  • Communicate without shouting and pay attention to the tone used.
  • Use relational communication: I know how you feel and I respect this, tell me how I can help you. Tell me what to do to be happy.

Introduce these aspects into your daily life to make them an integral part of your relationship.

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