5 Alarm Signals Transmitted By The Armpits

Did you know that armpits can give you important information about your general health? Read on to find out what it’s all about!
5 alarm signals transmitted by the armpits

The armpits are among the regions of the body that we usually take proper care of. With numerous sweat glands, they secrete fluids that can emit unpleasant odors. Find out what are the main alarm signals transmitted by the armpits!

And the aesthetic aspect of the armpits worries many of us. After all, this region is prone to unwanted hair growth.

What you may not have suspected is that the armpits can warn us when we face certain health problems, especially hormonal imbalances or diseases that compromise the lymphatic system.

Although we often ignore them, these symptoms could indicate the presence of a serious problem in the body. In today’s article we present you 5 alarm signals transmitted by the armpits that you should not overlook.

1. Unpleasant odors

Alarm signals transmitted by the armpits that should not be ignored

The presence of an unpleasant odor in the armpits is a very common and widespread problem. The accumulation of perspiration on the surface of the skin creates an ideal environment for the development of bacteria, causing an intense acid odor.

To remedy this problem, it is enough to take a shower and, of course, to apply a deodorant or antiperspirant every day.

But if the smell of the armpits is extremely intense and persistent, your body may warn you that you suffer from a thyroid problem or a hormonal imbalance.

If the smell in the armpits is similar to that of rotten fruit or nail polish, the cause could be a disease called ketoacidosis. This inhibits the body’s ability to process sugars.

So, if your armpits constantly smell bad, even though you have proper body hygiene, you may suffer from diabetes or prediabetes.

2. Itching

Itching in the armpits often occurs when hair begins to grow after epilation. In general, this reaction signals that the skin has become irritated due to the razor blade or some chemicals in the creams or deodorants we use.

But persistent itching, accompanied by red spots and accumulations of dead cells, shows that the armpits are affected by fungi.

  • In this situation, it is essential to consult a doctor. You may need to use an antifungal treatment.

3. Pain

Pain and other alarm signals transmitted by the armpits

When you overload your upper body, you may experience armpit pain due to muscle fever.

This symptom is common in people who are used to lifting heavy objects or training with weights. Muscle aches are sporadic and disappear on their own after we rest.

  • Persistent armpit pain, which increases in intensity, is a reason to go to the doctor.
  • Sometimes such pain indicates the presence of an inflamed lymph node or injury.

4. Irritations

The armpits provide a warm and humid environment, which is why they are vulnerable to yeast infections. This combination of factors contributes to the development of fungi that can cause irritation and symptoms such as itching, redness and blisters.  All these signals can be the consequence of an allergic reaction, excessive sweating or friction.

5. Nodules and inflammation, among the most worrying alarm signals transmitted by the armpits

Nodules are alarm signals transmitted by the armpits

If the follicles of the armpits become clogged, the hair can no longer come to the surface and small spots, similar to acne, form. They can cause pain and, if not treated properly, can lead to infection.

  • Instead of trying to extract them with tweezers, it is advisable to exfoliate your armpits until these hairs manage to come out from under the skin.

The appearance of large swellings indicates the presence of inflamed lymph nodes. The armpits have a high number of lymph nodes that are not easy to notice when you are healthy. But their inflammation signals the presence of imbalances.

Inflamed nodules tell us that the body is fighting a disease or infection. If the problem is not kept under control, complications can occur. Nodules and swelling that persist for several days or weeks could be a symptom of an infection or even cancer.

  • Monitor your armpits carefully and consult a doctor. This is the only way to get a correct diagnosis and catch serious illnesses in time.

How much attention do you pay to the 5 alarm signals transmitted by the armpits presented in this article? Now that you know that they can be caused by serious health problems, do not hesitate to ask a doctor’s opinion every time you notice any irregularities.

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