2 Delicious Vegetarian Burger Recipes

Vegetarian burgers from legumes or cereals provide us with a large amount of vegetable protein and fiber, enriching our daily meals. Take notes!
2 recipes of delicious vegetarian burgers

Vegetarian burgers are in vogue among people looking for healthy and nutritious recipes. They are not intended exclusively for people who do not eat products of animal origin and surprise more and more people with their delicious aroma. In this article, we will share 2 vegetarian burger recipes. The first is with legumes, and the second uses whole grains. Try both and find out which are your favorite burgers!

2 recipes of delicious vegetarian burgers

In the case of cooked legumes, we offer you a recipe that combines them with onions, garlic and raw parsley. They may surprise you, but after you cook them a little, you will get an authentic burger flavor.

Legumes are an excellent source of protein and vegetable fiber. You should eat them at least 2 or 3 times a week. Therefore, this recipe gives you a different and delicious way to enjoy them.

Vegetarian burger recipes
These vegetarian burgers provide a significant amount of vegetable protein and fiber.

Method of preparation

The second way to prepare vegetarian burgers is to use whole grains. They are rich in carbohydrates and fiber, so they will help you feel full of energy and full.

These vegetarian burgers are the perfect choice if you have leftover food (for example, rice) and want to take advantage of them in another way. For this quick and easy recipe, you can use any cereal to make delicious vegetarian burgers.

Vegan burger
This type of vegetable burger is ideal for taking advantage of leftover food from other meals.

Method of preparation

Now you have two vegetarian burger recipes that you can prepare at home. We recommend that you try these recipes with different legumes and cereals. If you want to experiment, you can try new combinations to find your favorite one.

You should know that legumes and cereals are a very healthy nutritional option. With the help of these recipes, you will get a complete meal that you can serve anytime, anywhere.

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