10 Tricks To Remove Excess Mucus

Are you tired of blowing your nose? Use a few simple and natural tricks to permanently remove excess mucus from the body! 
10 tricks to remove excess mucus

Excess mucus is annoying, but fortunately there are many natural solutions to eliminate it permanently  and combat the causes of its appearance.

In this article, we present 10 tips to eliminate excess mucus effectively and naturally.

What are the causes of excess mucus?

We all face this problem from time to time. Mucus production is usually associated with colds, flu or seasonal allergies. Other causes may be an inadequate diet or lack of hydration, which is why it is necessary to focus on these factors to treat the problem.

People suffering from chronic excess mucus should investigate the cause of this symptom. In this way, they can look for natural ways to fight it, without resorting to chemical drugs in pharmacies.

Children are also prone to mucus buildup. In their case, it is even more important that this problem be treated naturally, in order to prevent possible complications.

Excess mucus can be caused by a cold

Natural methods to remove excess mucus

1. Eliminate dairy products from your diet

Dairy products are the first food group we need to focus on. A milk protein, called casein, stimulates the production of mucus in the respiratory tract.

You may not notice this connection if you drink milk every day. But if you stop consuming this product for a while, and then add it back to your diet, you will notice that the mucus reappears almost immediately.

2. Reduce the consumption of starchy foods

Although this connection is not well known, refined foods rich in starch can lead to the accumulation of mucus in the body, causing excessive moisture. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of these products and replace them with whole grains, such as oats, rice, spelled wheat, rye or buckwheat.

Starch causes excess mucus

3. Drink more water

To eliminate excess mucus and prevent its accumulation, we recommend drinking two liters of water on an empty stomach and between meals. In this way, water performs a function of cleansing and purifying the body continuously.

If you find it difficult to drink plain water, you can opt for unsweetened lemonade or medicinal teas.

4. Season the food with hot spices

Spices, such as cayenne pepper and ginger, are an excellent choice for seasoning dishes if you want to get rid of excess mucus. You can add cayenne pepper, in small quantities, in all kinds of stews. Ginger can be used in both salty and sweet recipes.

5. Expectorant essential oils

You can use essential oils in an aroma diffuser or you can massage your chest with them, mixing them with vegetable oils, such as olive, almond, coconut or sesame oil.

Here are the essential oils you can use:

  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Lemon oil
  • Pine oil
  • Ravensara oil
  • Incense oil
  • Fir oil
  • Niouli oil

6. Poultice with mustard and flax seeds

To relieve congestion caused by chronic excess mucus in the respiratory tract, you can apply a poultice of red mustard and flax seeds on the chest.


  • 2 parts mustard seeds
  • 1 part flax seeds
  • Hot water (as much as you need)


  • Mix the seeds (always 2 parts mustard and 1 part linen) with hot water to form a paste.
  • Apply it on the chest and cover it, first with a linen cloth and then with two pieces of wool fabric.
  • Leave the paste to act for a maximum of one minute, then rinse.

7. Use ginger

  • Prepare a concentrated infusion of ginger.
  • Put a dry towel on your back, and place a towel soaked in the prepared infusion on top.
  • Cover with another dry towel and leave it on its back for 5 minutes.

8. Onions on the nightstand

If you have noticed that you have excess mucus, you can use this ancient remedy while the mucus is still very liquid. 

  • Put a raw onion cut in half on the nightstand when you go to bed.
  • In the morning, excess mucus will no longer be a problem.
Onions remove excess mucus from the body

9. Tap with your hand

This technique is used especially in children, helping to remove mucus from the bronchi.

  • Bend your hand in a concave shape and hit your chest and upper back with light, fast and strong beats for a few minutes.

10. Expectorant infusions

The most suitable medicinal plants for the preparation of effective expectorant infusions are the following:

  • Green anise seeds
  • Ginger
  • fennel
  • White eucalyptus (not recommended for children)
  • Cinnamon
  • Garlic

Note: These plants are not recommended if you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux. 

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