10 Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia You Need To Pay Attention To

In addition to causing muscle pain and fatigue, fibromyalgia has multiple effects, being a chronic disease that can become disabling. 
10 symptoms of fibromyalgia that you need to pay attention to

Fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by increased sensitivity of the body to muscle and joint pain. Other symptoms of fibromyalgia include fatigue, digestive problems, headaches and numbness in the extremities.

Its exact cause is unknown. However, experts associate fibromyalgia with genetic factors, sedentary lifestyle and a few other diseases.

Of course, every case is different. However, in general, patients suffering from fibromyalgia have a high level of inflammation in the body. This problem in turn causes a series of unpleasant reactions.

The biggest problem when it comes to diagnosing it is that fibromyalgia can be confused with other conditions. But if not treated in time, it can have serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to know how this syndrome manifests itself and what signs we should pay attention to to identify its presence in the body.

Here’s what this is about!

1. Morning sickness: one of the main symptoms of fibromyalgia

Symptoms of fibromyalgia such as morning sickness

One of the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia is morning stiffness,  present in the first hours after waking up. This sensation is similar to that experienced by patients with arthritis, as it can also affect mobility.

2. Difficulties concentrating

Difficulty concentrating as symptoms of fibromyalgia

This symptom is also known as “brain fog”. Unfortunately, affected people may experience concentration and memory problems.

The patient cannot focus enough on the activities performed and sometimes has short-term memory loss.

3. Increased fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome or physical and mental exhaustion is still one of the main symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Feelings of heaviness throughout the body and increased mental stress prevent the affected person from carrying out their normal daily activities.  Even simple tasks such as waking up or reduced physical and intellectual effort can cause fatigue.

4. Pain throughout the body

Pain that is a symptom of fibromyalgia

Patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia report mild or severe pain throughout the body. The pain may start at a low intensity and may occur intermittently. Along the way, they become intense, sharp and throbbing.

The pain affects the ligaments, muscles and tendons. Unfortunately, over-the-counter painkillers do not have a quick or beneficial effect.

5. Poor sleep quality

Due to the physical and mental symptoms mentioned above, people suffering from fibromyalgia cannot enjoy a quality sleep. 

Neurotransmitters in the brain are affected by the disease. Thus, they are no longer able to stimulate the brain as they should, and the patient cannot rest.

In addition, physical pain can be exacerbated by certain positions during sleep,  which in turn interrupts rest.

6. Numbness and tingling

Intense numbness in the extremities, as well as unpleasant tingling can be symptoms of fibromyalgia in its early stages.

Many patients claim that they have the sensation of “stings” in the skin, especially in the hands and feet. The sensation sometimes lasts only a few minutes, but other times it can last for a longer period of time.

Usually, the symptoms worsen during the night or if the person in question maintains the same position for longer.

7. Digestive problems

Digestive problems as symptoms of fibromyalgia

Imbalances in inflammatory processes caused by fibromyalgia can cause digestive symptoms similar to those specific to irritable bowel syndrome.

At the same time, most patients report recurrent abdominal pain, intestinal gas and gastroesophageal reflux. 

8. Sensitivity to the environment

Often, patients with fibromyalgia have an increased sensitivity and allergic reactions to environmental factors, such as noise and pollution.

The patient may have symptoms similar to those caused by migraines. Thus, the body reacts negatively to light and loud noises, as well as to the chemicals in certain products. 

9. Temperature sensitivity

Symptoms of fibromyalgia such as temperature sensitivity

Due to changes in the body due to imbalances caused by inflammatory processes, patients with fibromyalgia have difficulty regulating body temperature. This symptom is so severe that the affected person cannot rest properly. The reason is the strong sensations of cold or heat felt when trying to fall asleep.

In addition, sudden changes in temperature have a strong impact on the patient. He is much more sensitive to such changes than a healthy person.

10. Depression

One of the most important symptoms of fibromyalgia is episodes of depression. Unfortunately, this syndrome has a considerable impact on the patient’s quality of life. Thus, he faces emotional changes and the feeling of deep sadness generated by the limitations with which he must learn to live.

As we have already noticed, the way fibromyalgia develops is not easy to understand. Sick people need strong support from doctors and psychologists, but also from family and friends. 

It is very important to pay attention to all the possible symptoms of fibromyalgia, in order to know if it is possible to suffer from this disease if you have certain suspicions.

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